
Dawn DuVurger

Dawn DuVerger landed her first film role in the 2001 horror film, Cremains, after director Steve Sessions saw her erotic vampire stage performance at a Biloxi club and knew she was right for the part of Lisa.

Laura Giglio

Laura Giglio

Laura Giglio has appeared in over 200 B-horror films, beginning with 1994’s Sorority Slaughter. She’s been strangled, stabbed, and drowned on screen throughout her career and has always embraced being a Scream Queen.


Death Wish Coffee

Debbie D

Debbie D

Debbie D will very soon begin her fourth decade as one of the top Scream Queens in indie horror. Those already familiar with Debbie’s works, know that when it comes to getting bloody, bare, and bound, she has few equals.

Rachel Grubb

Rachel Grubb

With titles like Bloodstruck, Disciples, The Bitch That Cried Wolf, and Zombie Dollz, to her credit, Minneapolis-based actress Rachel Grubb is a well-known name in indie horror. As this goes to press, Rachel is working on Queen of Snakes.

Monique Dupree

Monique Dupree

This interview with “Tha Original Gata” Monique Dupree was conducted back in December 2011 by Tom Heckbert for the now-defunct website It’s been republished at Idol Features courtesy of Tom.

Kitsie Duncan

Kitsie Duncan

This interview with Scream Queen Kitsie Duncan was conducted back in December 2011 by Tom Heckbert for the now-defunct website It’s been republished at Idol Features courtesy of Tom.