Use the below form to contact us about ….

AN INTERVIEW: If you’re interested in being interviewed for a feature here, or you’re an agent or manager contacting us about featuring your client. Feel free to attach a photo or resume.

AN EVENT: If you’re producing or promoting an upcoming event (doesn’t matter how near or far in the future) that is fitting with the events we include on our events calendar and you would like us to add it to said calendar, send us the website link and any info, images, or video you’d like us to include and we’ll make it happen. Send your event info with “event” in the subject line.

A REFERRAL: If you know or know of someone whom you’d like to see featured here, send us her contact information OR a link to her blog, website, or networking profile and we’ll get in touch with her.

FEEDBACK: If you have a comment, question, request, or constructive criticism.

WRITING FOR US / CONTRIBUTING: If you write fitting material and would like to see it published at Idol Features, send us your contact information along with a link to what you have written online or attach a Word or PDF file with a writing sample.

* Indicates required field

Acceptable file types: doc, docx, pdf, txt, gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Maximum file size: 10MB.

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