
Savannah Russell

This interview with photographer Savannah Russell was conducted back in April 2012 by Tom Heckbert for the now-defunct website It’s been republished at Idol Features courtesy of Tom.

Josefine Jönsson

Josefine Jönsson

This interview with photographer Josefine Jönsson was conducted back in July 2012 by Tom Heckbert for the now-defunct website It’s been republished at Idol Features courtesy of Tom.

Niki Burgi

Nikol Ette

She’s very photogenic, but singer, songwriter, and photographer, in that order, are what Nikol Ette considers herself before she’d consider herself a model. You can also add musician, as she also plays a mean bass.

Nina Nightshade

Artwork by Karina Dale

Several months ago, while doing research on pinup model Inkerbella, for her feature here, I made sure to note the artists’ signature beneath the illustrations I saw of Bella at her website. That brought me to Portland, Oregon-based artist Karina

Cat Tanchanco
Makeup Artists

Cat Tanchanco

I’ve done a few articles on Youtube makeup “gurus” in the past, but Cat Tanchanco’s skills set her apart from many of the rest, as do her finished products. Cat, who’s better known by her Youtube subscribers and Twitter followers

Amanda Hu

Amanda Hu

Even though she takes great golf action shots, photographer Amanda Hu told me her favorite subjects to photograph are landscapes. She does have some fantastic examples of those in her portfolio, as well as some outdoor shots that are worthy


Death Wish Coffee