Editor-in-Chief’s Forward: To date, there are a total of 932 articles and interviews published at Idol Features. The views, opinions, or beliefs of the ladies who have been featured in articles or whose interviews appear at Idol Features, expressed here or elsewhere, DO NOT NECESSARILY reflect those of the authors. Furthermore, the views, opinions, or beliefs of the authors and contributors, expressed here or elsewhere, are solely their own and not necessarily reflective of the entire staff at Idol Features.

The original site (see here) began in 2007 as sort of an archive for posts I’d contributed to other blogs and websites. The reason being was to have a place to find all of my posts and articles in one place without having to search among other authors’ content. In 2011, after dubbing the site “Idol Features” as a working title at first, but later deciding to stick with the name, I began writing content and conducting interviews exclusively for Idol Features. In July 2016, we outgrew our old host and moved to the new host here; TMD Hosting.
Unless otherwise noted and credited (such as the old interviews republished here from the now-defunct website Eyestrane.com), all of the content here is exclusive to Idol Features. If you see an article elsewhere that is identical to one here, then it was either written by one of us here for that site, shared by one of us here at that site, or it was lifted from this site.
All of the interviews that were conducted exclusively for Idol Features, were conducted personally and directly with the lady featured, either in person, by telephone, online chat, or e-mail. In all cases, it’s been verified we were communicating directly with the interviewee and not through an agent of hers or any middle-person. Scream Queen icon Debra Lamb (whom I’m pictured with at right and was one of the first ladies I interviewed exclusively for this site,) will attest to that. Check out a March 2016 interview I did, in which I was the interviewee, with Eliza Gale to get a little more of the backstory on Idol Features.
Oh, and as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Chris Charles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief

in San Jose, California during our 2016 interview.