As the year and decade draw to a close, and as has been our custom here at
Idol Features since 2013, here’s a collection of ladies who have graced our pages in the past, decked out in their Christmas attire. Leading things off is a lady who’s gone above and beyond the call when asked to contribute a photo for this compilation, Collette England. Collette
was first featured here back in July of 2015 when she was with the female rock trio the Drendas, and then in a
February 2016 podcast interview. Click on the names of the following ladies to see the interview/article they were featured in and Merry Christmas!

Nina Lanee Kent (Photos by Angie De Alba)
Brooke Morris (Photos by Angie De Alba)
Katee Hudson (Photos by Angie De Alba)
Molly Souza (Photos by Angie De Alba)
Shalene Prasad (Photos by Angie De Alba)
Krystal Shay (Photos courtesy of VLM Angels and Efrain Reyna Photography)
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