Here we have that rarest of things; a 50’s sci-fi film that’s not good. The concept of Fire Maidens of Outer Space is serviceable, the problem is it’s played out in a listless fashion.
Tanja Jokanovic Trager resumed her art career just last year, and despite being back in the art world for such a short time, she has already had exhibits in prestigious galleries in Europe, Asia, and the US.
Amore’s writings show that she doesn’t hold back when it comes to revealing her deeper self, so it was no surprise when, rather than reply to the interview questions I sent, she responded with something she felt was more real for her.
Squeaky Springs is the founder of the Denver, Colorado-based burlesque troupe Punk Rock Burlesque, who will be celebrating their 5th anniversary on the 3rd of next month at Denver’s Marquis Theater.
Last month, Naked News reporter Kylie Morgan (aka Kylie Cupcake) did this interview with Mexican supermodel Farina Chaparro while on location in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.