A Slice of Cheesecake – Betty Brosmer

The charming thing about a pretty girl is that she doesn’t really have to do much to make a great picture. She can just sit quietly and read a book and you have a great image. A lovely domestic scene like this also works. This is Betty Brosmer, a very prolific magazine model during the 50’s and early 60’s. So prolific that she’s been described as “the blonde Betty Page” in some circles. Still alive and well at 83, she was also the wife of the late fitness icon Joe Weider. She has an official website here.

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Rock is a pencil jockey by trade. He's done work for AC Comics, Main Enterprises, and Moonstone, among others. Some of the strips he's created include Dinosaur Girl (AC Comics, creator, writer, pencils), Crissy Carrots (Main, creator, writer, pencils), and Betsy the Bookwriter (Main, co-creator, writer, pencils). His specialty is cheesecake cartooning (what they call "good girl art" these days).

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