Lucy Eckerlin

Resurrected 2012 interview with the then-novice model

(Editor’s Note: This interview with model Lucy Eckerlin was conducted back in May 2012 by Tom Heckbert for the now-defunct website It’s been republished at Idol Features courtesy of Tom.)

Lucy Eckerlin

Lucy Eckerlin is an 18 year-old model currently attending college in Montreal, Canada. She first began modeling in August of 2010 and in a short amount of time has become very sought after for her looks, style and attitude. She hopes to become a professional model, and not only that but also a role model! Above photo by Image Solutions. Hair and makeup by Shannon Leigh.

Lucy Eckerlin
Photo by Ben Ruiz, makeup by Coraly Mouralian Maquilleuse, and hair by Jessica Hoff.
EYESTRANE: Lucy, it is a pleasure to meet you. What first interested you about modeling?
LUCY ECKERLIN: The reason why I want to become a professional model is because when I was younger I always had been picked on and rejected. I had a lot of difficulty expressing myself to others because of that reason, but through the art and beauty of modeling I can truly express myself. I always imagined being a model would be something impossible for me to do, but within time I know I can really make my dreams come true.
EYESTRANE: You have a unique look. What nationality are you?
LUCY: I have a unique mix of ethnicity of Canadian, Peruvian, Italian, German, Swiss, Russian, and I speak English, French, and Spanish.
EYESTRANE: What are some attributes about yourself, in personality, attitude and physically, that you think are your strongest?
LUCY: I’m very determined, enthusiastic, energetic, a hard worker, good listener, passionate, nice, easy to work with, easygoing, optimistic, in tune with facial and body language, patient, organized, responsible, professional and I can express genuine feelings on camera!
EYESTRANE: How did you get started modeling and what was it like on your first photo shoot?
LUCY: I hired a photographer the first time I started to make my portfolio. The shoot lasted three hours, out in the blazing hot sun, and I brought my whole closet with me! Though all in all it was good, and I learned a lot from my first experience!
EYESTRANE: What are some of the images and shoots you are proudest of?
Lucy Eckerlin
Thanks again to Image Solutions and Shannon Leigh
LUCY: Honestly I love all of the shoots I do, but my most proudest shoot was for Matrix. They cut my hair. I got featured in their calendar, and in the Canadian Hairdressing Magazine November 2011 issue!
EYESTRANE: Are there other models or photographers that you admire or that inspire you?
LUCY: Yes there are, but there are too many to name!
EYESTRANE: What is the modeling industry like where you live in Canada?
LUCY: In Montreal there isn’t as much as you think there would be. You always see the same girls, same people, and even if you reach the top of the industry in Montreal you won’t get far unless you travel!
EYESTRANE: How important is it, for you, to collaborate with the make-up artists, stylists and photographers on your shoots and how receptive are they to your input?
LUCY: Having a team really makes pictures look more professional! I always try to put a team together! You meet new people, and show others how well you can work!
EYESTRANE: As far as styles, what styles of modeling do you most enjoy working in?
LUCY: I like almost every style, but my favorite has to be high fashion hands down!
EYESTRANE: Tell us a little about yourself and growing up. You say you were picked on and rejected. Do you think this was because others were jealous of your beauty?
Lucy Eckerlin
Photo by Frank Béraud, makeup by Stéphanie Morin, hair by Cléyow Rainbow Chééévre.
LUCY: I was picked on, as you know, a lot. Though I don’t think it was because people were jealous, but it was just high school, and sometimes kids are mean. I don’t blame them, but I thank them for pushing me to prove to myself that I wasn’t ugly and etc.
EYESTRANE: I understand you were very good at Track and Field. Tell us more.
LUCY: I did track and field for three years, and in February 2010, I was named the 14th fastest juvenile girl in the province of Quebec. I won two gold metals (3000 and 1500 meter race) and a silver metal (relay race) that year, my last year of high-school, and the year before that I won a bronze metal (3000 meter race). I stopped because I didn’t want to follow it professionally, but it has helped me shape the person who I am today! I still enjoy my casual runs here and there!
EYESTRANE: What are you studying in college now and what do you want to do when you graduate?
LUCY: I am currently in my second year, and going into fourth term, in social sciences, major in psychology. I actually have no clue what I want to be! After college I want to go to trade school to be a building inspector, then go to makeup-school, and then University. I’m not sure into what yet! Though that might all change over the years!
EYESTRANE: What do you enjoy doing when you are not studying and working?
LUCY: I love hanging out with my friends and dancing/listening to music! I also enjoy watching a good movie and eating some delicious food! One of my favorite places is home, because that’s where I’m the most comfortable, and nothing feels better than lying in my comfy bed!
EYESTRANE: Where can we go to find out more about you?
LUCY: You can go to my fan page on Facebook. Sometimes I will write notes about myself so my fans know a little bit more about me! You can even check out my Facebook page even if you don’t have a Facebook!

About the author

Now-defunct website at // More articles

The now-defunct website featured many interviews with some very notable ladies. Since said interviews were too good to go unseen after the site was shut down in August of 2014, former Eyestrane editor-in-chief Tom Heckbert has graciously agreed to occasionally resurrect some from his archived files for republication here at Idol Features. Tom and his former staff at Eyestrane always maintained a deep respect for the talent and creativity of the people they interviewed for the site.

1 Comment

  1. A search of her name led me here. It seems like she didn’t pursue modeling and now should go in your “Whatever Happened to” file.

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