“Bare Escape,” was scanned from Main Enterprises’ *PPFSZT! Color Annual No. 1, published in 2012. If you know what to look for, you can see that my pencils were still pretty rough when I drew this. They’re particularly stiff in some panels, and I hadn’t yet the best grasp on anatomy. Still, this was my first(?) color story, and it looks downright incredible to my eyes! Inks, colors, and letters by Jeff Austin.
About the author
Rock is a pencil jockey by trade. He's done work for AC Comics, Main Enterprises, and Moonstone, among others. Some of the strips he's created include Dinosaur Girl (AC Comics, creator, writer, pencils), Crissy Carrots (Main, creator, writer, pencils), and Betsy the Bookwriter (Main, co-creator, writer, pencils). His specialty is cheesecake cartooning (what they call "good girl art" these days).
Either Jessica Felice or Abby Dark Star would be perfect for bringing Sadie 6 Shot to life.