(Editor’s Note: The following is the Idol Features debut post from Vaalee Supreet, a journalist close to the Bollywood scene. So close, he conducted this candid interview with top, and a bit controversial, Bollywood actress Kavita Radheshyam at her Mumbai home on April 19th, 2017 over some fairly strong coffee she served him. It’s been verified to yours truly by Kavita herself via a Skype video chat I had with her yesterday, as this goes to press. Enjoy.)
If you know anything about bombshells in Indian cinema, then you undoubtedly know Kavita Radheshyam, who is tagged as “the Kim Kardashian of India” by the UK’s leading newspaper, Daily Mirror. Kavita was first noticed and rose to fame for her semi-nude photo shoot she did for animal rights in India. She’s appeared in many Indian films and TV series, and she’s now looking forward to her first international English feature film, Islamic Exorcist, which is directed by Faisal Saif and distributed by Cinema Epoch.
I told Kavita that I wanted to interview her for Idol Features, and she may look through the website. Kavita (after going through the website the whole night) was more than happy to accept and invited me to her lovely apartment where we conducted this conversation with her serving me coffee with snacks. She clearly told me “I am so happy for this Idol Features interview and that is the reason why I am making this strong coffee personally for you.” (Above photo courtesy of Just Bollywood.)

KAVITA RADHESHYAM: Because Idol Features has covered a maximum of beautiful and gorgeous-looking women and after this interview, I will be featuring in the website too! All the women featured in the website are strong, focused, and dedicated to their work. I was going through the website all night!
VAALEE: I won’t ask you about your journey and struggle or how you got into films.
KAVITA: I love you for that! Because those questions are pathetic and nobody is interested in knowing the journeys and struggles. Also, no actor would answer those questions with honesty. Google all the actors interviewed in this world and you will read the same answers in every interview. And the majority of those answers will have this opening lines “It was not easy” (laughs).
VAALEE: Why did you do that semi naked photo shoot? There were other ways to voice an opinion!
KAVITA: If you want to be heard; scream! That’s what I believe in, and everyone screams in their own way and own style. I did too!
VAALEE: What was your reaction when you were labelled as the Kim Kardashian of India?
KAVITA: I was very happy. I didn’t even knew it as I was filming for a movie and suddenly I got a call from my director, Faisal Saif, where he told me that he was reading this article on the Internet where the (UK’s Daily) Mirror journalist surveyed the Kim Kardashians all around the world, and I was one of them. I personally thanked the journalist. But personally speaking, I would want to be remembered as Kavita Radheshyam. Everyone in this world is unique and extra ordinary in their own ways. I also swear that I do not encash this label. I am happy encashing myself.

KAVITA: I don’t care and I am proud of my remarks on LGBT. I stand by my words. Do research and you will be shocked to know that most of the celebrities who are HIV infected are either gays or bisexual! Why? Where am I wrong? Gay is not natural, it’s a choice. LGBT is second slow terrorism which is trying to spread fast. It kills people! After this incident, some of them contacted me personally on my social networking handle to tell me that I am right! Some gays, will not mention their names here, confessed how they love masturbating seeing my pictures as they find me a proper abusive sadist husband! (laughs). (Author’s Note: She shows me the Facebook messages) There’s another gay friend of mine who confessed to me, after this incident, that he is HIV infected. I took care of some of his medications and I am there for him whenever he needs me, and he very well knows that. I am not against humans. I just hate what is not natural or normal. What is not natural, shouldn’t live. Period.
VAALEE: So you want to kill all the gays and lesbians in this world?
KAVITA: Why would I wanna do such an inhuman act? They are already dying with AIDS or depression!
VAALEE: Have you had any lesbian encounters? Detail it with me.
KAVITA: (Laughs loudly) I enjoy attention, be it a man or a woman. There was this co-actress who was very pretty and we both were working in the same movie. The film had a limited budget so we were requested to share the same makeup room. That’s where she confessed to me how she is madly in love with me and how desperately she wanted me to touch her.

VAALEE: (Excited) And???
KAVITA: I was enjoying her being so desperate and promised her that I would seduce her on the last day of the shoot. On the last day of the shoot, I ran away without informing her. Never answered her calls for few days (laughs). She sent me voice recordings in messages where she was literally crying and abusing me and in return, I would sent her my glamorous pictures. That’s about it. She is still my friend. I love to tease people.
VAALEE: What should I call you?
KAVITA: A Sadist! A lot of people call me that.
VAALEE: Okay, let’s talk about Islamic Exorcist.
KAVITA: This one is something which I am extremely proud of. The movie is directed by my lovely friend Faisal Saif. It’s an international English Horror film which is based on Islamic Voodooism and black magic. So, Islam is not only about bombs and wars, it’s also about scary jinns (laughs). Faisal sent this script to Cinema Epoch and they liked the script. We all were so excited to know that a renowned distribution label, which is headed by lovely filmmaker Gregory Hatanaka, likes our work and has agreed to back the movie. Now that the film is completed and ready to be released, we are all looking forward to it.
VAALEE: Are you also looking forward to expand yourself as an actress in Hollywood?
KAVITA: Who doesn’t? We all do! Hollywood is “God.” If I get another opportunity, I will not see the budget or anything and will pack my bags to fly down and do that film.
VAALEE: Any message for your fans and our fans?
KAVITA: Live bold, die bold! Keep spreading love. Only love will conquer. Nothing else!
Gracing the poster as the possessed Ayesha Khan for Islamic Exorcist
Official trailer for the soon upcoming Islamic Exorcist, Kavita’s first English language film
See more of Kavita at:
Her Facebook Fan Page
Kavita on Twitter
About the author
Vaalee Supreet is a journalist from India who has been writing about Bollywood for the last five years. He now writes for various websites and mostly covers independent American films, their cast, and crew. Other online publications he writes for are: More Horror, Bloody Flicks, The Slaughtered Bird, and That Moment in.
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