Though she had a notable screen career, it’s entirely possible that the subject of this ASOC spotlight pictorial, Virginia Leith (b. 1932), will be best remembered as the severed head kept alive by her mad scientist fiancée as he goes searching for a replacement body, in the 1962 cult classic The Brain That Wouldn’t Die.
About the author
Rock is a pencil jockey by trade. He's done work for AC Comics, Main Enterprises, and Moonstone, among others. Some of the strips he's created include Dinosaur Girl (AC Comics, creator, writer, pencils), Crissy Carrots (Main, creator, writer, pencils), and Betsy the Bookwriter (Main, co-creator, writer, pencils). His specialty is cheesecake cartooning (what they call "good girl art" these days).
No matter what else she did, she will ALWAYS be best remembered as Jan in the Pan!