A Slice of Cheesecake kicks off the month of March with then-busy magazine model and B-movie actress from the 50’s through early 60’s, Shirley Skates (who’s been residing in the “Whatever Happened to..?” file for years). She was one who wasn’t very shy, as you can see from the following photos ….
About the author
Rock is a pencil jockey by trade. He's done work for AC Comics, Main Enterprises, and Moonstone, among others. Some of the strips he's created include Dinosaur Girl (AC Comics, creator, writer, pencils), Crissy Carrots (Main, creator, writer, pencils), and Betsy the Bookwriter (Main, co-creator, writer, pencils). His specialty is cheesecake cartooning (what they call "good girl art" these days).
If you’d like to find out what happened to Shirley Skates, check out this page: