What would have been Chanel Ryan’s interview

This is a rare one for the Incomplete Interview file, as in this case, it was the potential interviewee who personally contacted us about an interview. That’s correct; actress Chanel Ryan initially contacted Idol Features through our Facebook page, with a lengthy message beginning with; “Hi! I just stumbled across Idol Features and would love to be featured!” to which I promptly replied with an “I’d love to,” gave her the option of a real time interview over Skype or an e-mail interview, in which I’d send her my questions, to which she could reply to and return at her convenience.

Chanel opted for the latter and, to shorten the story; I did. She didn’t. I made further efforts. She didn’t. After realizing “soon” must translate to “never” in some jargon, here we are with another addition to Idol Features’ Incomplete Interview file. Yes, even though our questions may sometimes get disregarded or forgotten, and go unanswered, they will never go unseen. What follows are the questions Chanel Ryan never did answer ….for whatever her reasons. Above is where a photo of Chanel would have been.


Not Chanel Ryan
Photo of Chanel would have gone above and here would have been the caption.
CHRIS CHARLES: You have a few films that are currently in post production. As this goes to press, which is the most recently released?

CHRIS: I know you had a great time making Billy Pon’s Circus of the Dead, but you also got a little banged up during the filming of that one, right?

CHRIS: Would you say you’ve become a bit of a coulrophobic after making that one?

CHRIS: You’ve been dubbed (by some indie horror pundits) as “horror’s new ‘it girl’.” Did that surprise you when you first heard or read it?

CHRIS: Who are some of your favorite “Scream Queens”?

CHRIS: You’re slated to play Candice Bergen in Bigger Than the Beatles. How will you prepare for that role?

Not Chanel Ryan
Photo of Chanel would have gone above and here would have been the caption.
CHRIS: Can you tell me anything about your character Alex, in the upcoming film Contaminated?

CHRIS: How about your character Elizabeth, in Coda?

CHRIS: According to your IMDb, you’ve been busy since the early 90s. Actually, I see your first role listed there was as an extra in the 1989 comedy-horror, Society. Was that your very first part or had you done anything before that, that wasn’t listed?

CHRIS: Of all the roles you’ve played, which ones do you feel have showcased your talents the best, so far?

CHRIS: I’ve heard you say comedy is up there with horror as your favorite genre, and you’ve spoken some great lines in some comedies. Such as “She is always the big ‘C.’ Everybody knows you’re an ‘H’,” “Mozart is dead and I’m not dating his friend,” and “You left your speculum at my place, and it’s starting to chafe.” Do you ever write any of your own lines?

Not Chanel Ryan
Photo of Chanel would have gone above and here would have been the caption.
CHRIS: For some reason, the brief exchange between your and Devanny Pinn’s characters in Dead Sea, had me laughing until there were tears in my eyes. It was when your group was wondering why you seemed to have the whole lake to yourselves. She said: “Meth.” You: “Excuse me?” She: “Don’t act like you don’t do it.” You: “Uh, actually, no.” Anyway, what was it like for you on location, shooting that one?

CHRIS: Who have been some of your favorite actresses to work with?

CHRIS: So, I see you have a vast modeling portfolio and have done shoots in some really beautiful and exotic locations. What have been some of your most memorable photo shoots, good and bad?

CHRIS: Do you know how many magazine covers you’ve appeared on?

CHRIS: I read you were a “sexy nurse” on the cover of Garth ….uh, Chris Gaines’ album The Life of Chris Gaines, but Gar, uh Chris is the only one pictured on that album. Did whoever wrote that mean it was Gar…uh, Chris’ album Straight Jacket, you were on the cover of as a sexy nurse?

Not Chanel Ryan
Photo of Chanel would have gone above and here would have been the caption.
CHRIS: While researching your modeling career, I saw you’ve done some non-nude, foot fetish modeling. Was that just for a short stint, or did you occasionally do shoots of that nature?

CHRIS: Shifting gears here, you have quite a bit of experience with firearms and other weapons. In an interview last year, you said that you and your friend, who had trained you, were going to do a series of weapons instructional videos. What is the status of that project?

CHRIS: What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?

CHRIS:How about just for personal protection?

CHRIS: I know you’re involved with several animal charities. Currently, how many rescued pets do you have?

CHRIS: Is it hard for you to part with them, once they get a permanent home?

Not Chanel Ryan
Photo of Chanel would have gone above and here would have been the caption.
CHRIS: Are you a vegan or vegetarian?

CHRIS: Do you have any hobbies that most people don’t know about?

CHRIS: I know you often appear at horror conventions to meet fans and sign autographs. Which ones will you be appearing at in the near future?

CHRIS: With that, I’ll again thank you so much for doing this, Chanel. In closing, any shout-outs to anyone?

(Author’s Note: The following question wasn’t included with the ones I sent to Chanel, but I’d just like to ask it. Even though, like all the rest, it won’t be answered.)
CHRIS: Oh, just one last question: Do you have any other unanswered interview questions in your e-mail inbox. If so, how long have they been sitting there?


Not Chanel Ryan
Photo of Chanel would have gone above and here would have been the caption.
Not Chanel Ryan
Photo of Chanel would have gone above and here would have been the caption.

Chanel’s demo reel, a clip, or a trailer featuring her would have gone above.
Instead, enjoy this 5-second SMPTE test pattern.

Links to Chanel’s official website, IMDb Page, Facebook fan page, etc. would have gone below ….and now ….

…a message from our sponsor ….



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