Feya’s Naked News Audition NSFW 

To date, Lily Kwan and Yukiko Kimura (Norma Wong and Angela Shintani, both apparently no longer with the show) have been the most notable Asian ladies to have been Naked News anchorwomen. However, they haven’t been the only Asian ladies to have auditioned to become in-the-buff broadcasters.

A few other Asian hopefuls have tried out for the nude news team, but just didn’t make the cut. One of whom was Feya, who, despite her cute looks and warm personality, had a thick accent that might have been a little too thick for some viewers to get past, such as anchor Eila Adams (Misha Highstead), who mentions it as she and Whitney St. John (Dawne Furey) add some post-audition commentary on Feya’s above audition video from January 29th of 2010.

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  1. I wouldn’t be able to get past her thick accent either. She said she appears in her own films. Wonder if she’s on IMDB under her real name?

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