This scene from end of the 1998 Japanese horror film Ring (aka Ringu, the Japanese romanization of “Ring”), has been edited to show only Sadako Yamamura emerging from the well and right through the television screen. The odd shots of
[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ere’s Betty, played by America’s only Asian Scream Queen icon, Debra Lamb, meeting her demise in the 1990 comedy-horror film, The Invisible Maniac.
I recently caught up with actress Debra Lamb for a follow-up interview for this Halloween season. I was fortunate to catch her when I did because, as this goes to press, Debra will be preparing to get on a plane
If the Korean sitcom Hello Franceska (also spelled “Hello Francesca” with a “c” instead of a “k” and on some DVD releases, it may be “Goodbye Franceska” instead of “hello”) could be considered Korea’s belated answer to The Addams Family,
In keeping with the spirit of the Halloween season, here’s New Jersey-based burlesque dancer Lily Stitches performing to Marilyn Manson’s “This is Halloween” at The Slipper Room in New York’s Lower East Side. She also does a pretty hot routine
July 16, 2020 Author’s Addendum: Liane Langford passed away July 14, 2020. She will always be remembered by family, friends, and I’m sure by fans who had the pleasure of getting to know her, as a warm, bright spirit, who